Neurological Testing
Neurological Testing
This test detects patterns of normal and abnormal brain electrical activity. This painless test may be done during an outpatient appointment, or your child may be admitted to the hospital. Depending on your child’s needs, we may offer ambulatory monitoring, which allows them to complete testing at home.
- Video EEG (Electroencephalogram) This test is primarily used to diagnose epilepsy and seizures. The video records the reaction your child is having, and the EEG measures the brain waves and electrical activity. Your child can receive this test at our six-bed epilepsy monitoring unit in the Epilepsy Center at Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital.
A pediatric neuropsychologist evaluates cognition and behavior as they relate to brain function. A neuropsychological test can provide information regarding a child's:
- Attention and concentration
- Fine motor skills
- Intellectual abilities
- Language
- Memory and learning
- Problem-solving abilities
Neuropsychological testing may involve games, activities and other tasks that assess what your child can learn, pay attention to and remember. Your specialist will use the information they gather from evaluation and testing to:
- Help confirm a diagnosis
- Record your child’s functioning before and after treatment or surgery
- Inform treatment decisions and develop a personalized epilepsy treatment plan
- Make recommendations for accommodations at school, at home and in the community
This image test uses electromagnetic waves to create images of internal structures such as tissues, bones, and organs.